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Stop waiting ! No more multiple payments !
Say hello to high speed with AllDebrid !
*Under fair use policy
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Do you use JDownloader?
Jdownloader offers an innovative and efficient Alldebrid plugin allowing to generate your links automatically
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AllDebrid offers useful browser addons to make your downloads easier
*Only works with Chrome and Firefox
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AllDebrid is the best tool that can help you make your downloads easier. With its many high-capacity bandwidth servers, AllDebrid is a MUST HAVE for all downloaders!
Join our community and take part in the experience of high speed downloads.
Free trial
Offer available once / limited to 25GB
To make up your mind, we offer you a free trial to discover our service without engagement.

Did you know ?

AllDebrid Bandwidth

For optimal speed, we do not overcome 50% of our infrastructure bandwidth. This guarantees you a maximum speed under all circumstances, if the file hoster isn't having bandwidth issues itself of course :)

HTTPS website

Alldebrid is by default accessible in HTTPS in order to provide you the maximum of security between the exchanges realized between your connection and our service

Convert a torrent file to a direct download link

Our torrent conversion tool allows you to send a torrent file or a magnet link to our service to convert it to a direct download link, allowing you to recover it faster and easier.